The Maze


I performed The Maze on January 11th, 2025 to close the group show, Hackers & Painters at CHB-2.


I wrote this text in 2019 in NYC immediately after the death of my father. It is about that and about the Maze and the Minotaur, and architecture and gentrification, and what happens to bodies (human bodies and human built bodies) inside of capitalism.


I am very happy with my performance. I am thankful for directorial consultation from Luke Schumacher, styling by Sofia Duchovny, and the production support of CHB-2. With their support, this iteration of the piece was polished to a high sheen. What a delight. Find the poster, photographs and video documentation below. Sorry about the formatting I'll fix it later. - CB Jan 29 2025



I had work in this excellent group show at CHB-2 in Berlin, DE.



I read with Steven Warwick on June 28, 2024, at Forsterstrasse 19, Berlin DE. 


Four Films by Three American Filmmakers

at Röhre West, Berlin, DE

 May 18, 2024


Cammisa Buerhaus and Jordan Strafer's mimetic obsessions with political protagonists  refuse to propose alternatives. Two Jeff Preiss shorts depict quick cuts, memories, and other lives flashing before our eyes. 



Cammisa Buerhaus, Monica Lewinsky Live at Theater of Dionysus (2017), 10 min, HDVideo + Sound. USA

Jeff Preiss, Reel 3. Rio Mar for Peter Hutton, (1988) 4 min, Digitized 8MM + Sound. USA

Jeff Preiss, Reel 11. CARZ-A-POPPIN for Bob Fleischner, (1988) 7 min, Digitized 8MM + Sound. USA

Jordan Strafer, PEAK HEAVEN LOVE FOREVER, (2022) 19 min, HDVideo + Sound. USA


Artist's Scores, Scenarios and Instructions

Gstaad, CH

February 16 - 18, 2024



Find documentation of Artist's Scores, Scenarios and Diagrams, which I produced and supported in dramaturgy and curation, in collaboration with curator Piper Marshall and artist Kolja Glaeser.

Participating Artists:



Wilder Alison

Julieta Andrada

Mathis Altmann

Mitchell Anderson

Sam Anderson

Noah Barker

Zuzanna Bartoszek

Vittorio Brodmann

Cammisa Buerhaus

Nikki Buzzi

Lou Cantor

Guy de Cointet

Bill Dietz

Eliza Douglas

Constant Dullaart

Nina Emge

Ryan Gander

Liam Gillick

Rochelle Goldberg

Judith Hamman and Cedric Tai

Adam Harrison

Jason Hirata

Madeline Hollander

Veronika Ivashkevich

Joseph Grigely

Josh Kline

Gabriel Kuri


Veit Laurent Kurz

Adriana Lara

Ghislaine Leung

Goshka Macuga

Servane Mary

Eva & Franco Mattes

Josiah McElhany

John Miller

Matt Mullican

Juan Antonio Olivares

Arthur Ou

Zeena Parkins

Jeff Preiss

Beau Bree Rhee

Aura Rosenberg

Alan Ruiz

Allen Ruppersberg

Lucas Samaras

Bailey Scieszka

Aliza Shvarts

Antoni Tàpies

Ricardo Valentim

Lawrence Weiner

Chloe Wise

Staged Worlds

Laura Ziegler



October 26, 2023





A multimedia work-in-progress table reading.


Based on the eponymous 2015 novel by Derek McCormack
Adapted and Directed by Cammisa Buerhaus

A fashion show by the dead for the living! A Barnumesque seance that smashes together the Civil War and the AIDS crisis. A morbidly transgressive and experimental play featuring a parade of gay ghosts.

Derek McCormack plays with the spatial materiality of language. His expressive restructuring further contends with the impact of censorship within storytelling by weaving a range queer histories: Abraham Lincoln’s unspoken homosexuality and Margiela’s anti-capitalist design ethos. This haunted evening is both an eulogy and critique of our methods for recording history.

Starring Six Replicas:

Tom Cole - Martin Margiela, the Devil
Ed Malone - Abraham Lincoln
Patrick Sarmiento - Mary Todd Lincoln
Gabe Rubin - their dead son, Willie
Alix Curnow - Nettie Colburn Maynard
Tavish Miller - Stephen Foster

Dramaturgy by Stephanie LaCava
Produced by Lonely Christopher for Inter Poets Theater





October 18, 2023






My new film AFTER DISCIPLINE will be screened to open the Wilder Alison installation at KAJE, Oct 18, 2023. KAJE is located at 74 15th Street, Brooklyn, NY 11215. 



June 27, 2023



If you please - shorts

featuring a performance of 

Derek McCormack's The Well-Dressed Wound

Adapted and Directed by Cammisa Buerhaus









April 29, 2023


A Peformance with Colin Self

Prologue X Parable

Berlin, DE



Who is X? And who are The Council? and... what, what is a tulpa?!


The performance premieres on Saturday, April 29th, at Callies, at 5 pm and 7 pm. Prologue X Parable is created and performed together with Cammisa Buerhaus. Capacity is limited; tickets are available via the link below.






Berlin Art Link did an interview with Colin before the show. They took a pic of us in Colin's studio at Callies, hard at work making tiny clothes for tiny puppet people. These puppets were beyond cute, and I felt my maternal instinct kick in. Should I make a baby, and make more tiny clothes for a baby? But then, I thought, do I want unlimited baby or unlimited hot glue?



April 20, 2023



Confessional Acts. Emerging Sub-Spaces
An Interview with Leonor Carrilho



Leonor Carrilho and Cammisa Buerhaus discussed Buerhaus’s latest work, the film After Discipline. Topics include belonging, the construction of identity and individuality, physical and emotional imprisonment, sex, psychoanalysis, love, fantasies, and ghosts.




March 3 - 4, 2023


Scratching Trees - A Play by Christiane Huber

Munich, DE


Katja Dreyer and I workshopped and performed Christiane Huber's new play, Scratching Trees.

We shared a preview at Lothinger13 in Munich, Germany, on March 3rd and 4th, 2023. We will present the finished work at the same place in early December, 2023. Find a photograph below.





December 16, 2022



Les Urbaines Festival
Lausanne, Switzerland 



Starring Oliver Villanueva and Cammisa Buerhaus

Documentation by Gillaume Baeriswyl






January 21, 2023





Selections by Cammisa Buerhaus



at Studio Discoteca Flaming Star
SATURDAY, 1.21.2023 19:00.
Wriezener Str 35, 13359. 3rd backyard, 2nd floor
Berlin, Germany



He was the kind of guy I'd rob banks for, leaning against a stone wall, everyone else in the crowded street disappeared. He leaned in front of me rubbed my chest and belly like he'd known me for years - some distant relative - and I left reason behind in one of those moments where all sense of living takes a slow quiet dive into mystery and possibilities. 


David Wojnarowicz wrote those lines in the eighties, and they were not published until 1991. Sometimes, our desires continue after we are gone, and looking back, we might remember the horror, confusion, and the dark comedy of what it was and is to see and want and be. 


Cammisa Buerhaus

2023, Berlin



HD Video, Sound. 5min. 2014. Germany.

Thanks to everybody for being on camera!


SD Video, Sound. 15min. 2023. Portugal.

An agoraphobic freelancer is running from her past. But can she run faster than a cowboy’s tongue? With Cammisa Buerhaus and Tobias Spichtig.


Performance. 6min. 2023. Germany.

A bridge is usually built to connect two ends. Would you go with me? One step at the time. Just don’t think too much. Let’s try to enjoy the views.


4k Video, Sound. 15min. 2020. USA.

What first seem singular violations of parental trust and devotion instead replicate inside civic structures meant to remedy. As testimony suggests, public tolerance for horror is high.



16mm, Sound. 15 min. 2020. Portugal.

The summer festivities of a Portuguese village are suffused with sensuality and violence in this enigmatic portrait of a tightly knit family. With Miguel Amorim, Carla Galvão, and Gabriel Salvado. Cannes 2020 Selection.









Sept 17, 2022


 Mine! and That's Mine Too!, are part of fundraising auction for AIR351, in Cascais, Portugal.


Silkscreen on Mylar.








Jordan Strafer, PEAK HEAVEN LOVE FOREVER - The film will play at Lincoln Center as part of the New York Film Festival, October 7th and 9th, 2022.




Martine Syms, THE AFRICAN DESPERATE - The film has been aquired by MUBI for global distribution, set to premier online in early Oct 2022. TAD will play at Brooklyn Academy of Music and Quad Cinema in NYC. It will also be in theaters in Los Angeles, Germany, France and London. A NYT Critics Pick, Sept 15 2022.







Worldwide premier at Rotterdam Film Festival
January 26 - February 6 2022

Palace is not going to the fucking graduation party! She hates the woods. If this were a reality show, she would be the person who was not here to make friends. Palace needs to get home, no place like it. 



Set against the lush backdrop of late summer, Palace navigates the pitfalls of self-actualization and the fallacies of the art world. Shot through with Syms’s celebrated conceptual grit, humor, social commentary, and vivid visual language, The African Desperate leads us on an intimate and riotously funny journey through picturesque landscapes and artists studios, from academic critiques to backseat hookups, and from the night of a wild graduation party to the morning of a lonely trip back home.


Written and directed by Martine Syms and starring artist Diamond Stingily, the film is co-written by Rocket Caleshu and edited by Nicole Otero with cinematography by Daisy Zhou and an original score by Aunt Sister, Colin Self, and Ben Babbit. Cast: Diamond Stingily, Cammisa Buerhaus, Ruby McCollister, Brent David Freaney, Erin Leland and Rob Franklin.



Jordan Strafer, PUNCHLINE
Participant, NY NY

January 5 – February 6, 2022





Some kind of thing is going to happen. I think we might be flying over Florida. The inrushing air sounds like a waterfall. I’m with the men. I’m lying down and they are standing up. One of them has diamond brooches on his shirt. Behind him there’s a pregnant woman and another man. One of them says, “put two fingers in your mouth and tell me a terrible story.”


I am wearing a short-sleeved mini dress. “He takes the joy out of everything,” I think to myself as he waits for the story. Then I say with my mouth full, “No matter how bad things are, they could always get worse. And behind every cloud… there's a lot of rain.” He says, “You’re kidding.” I pause and say, “Happy birthday daddy. This flight is an explosive bomb.”


The group is laughing. I think to myself, “I am really funny.” I say, “Let's tell each other something about ourselves.” Everyone starts butting in. I say, “Hold on, hold on. Let’s go in a circle.”


Then we make a circle of different things becoming the same thing. I dance on the line of this circle, but I do not cross it. It is lit only from the inside.



“For the love of horror puppets and reenacting trauma,” PARTICIPANT INC begins 2022 with PUNCHLINE, a solo exhibition by Brooklyn-based video artist Jordan Strafer that will premiere the artist’s new video and related works on paper. Ambitious but not obnoxious, Strafer’s recently completed video work  PEAK HEAVEN LOVE FOREVER is based on a true story of kinship and betrayal aboard a transatlantic air ambulance from London to Miami. Including life-size dolls and starring live actors Cammisa Buerhaus, Marti Wilkerson, Jim Fletcher and Alexandro Segade, the video is a psychological thriller that takes place in flight—while time moves glacially, reality becomes suspended.


The Maze - Two Live Performances 

part of the exhibition Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary 

at Mala, Lisbon PT
December 7 & 14, 2021




Here we are. Nothing but horizons. 

You know the place. 

Don't be scared. 

I'm here with you. 


You know me. 

The Maze, excerpted

adapted for performance at Mala, Lisbon PT

Runtime 30 Min


Photos courtesy of the artist and Mala.  Photos taken by Ana Paganini.  Clothes by Antonio Castro. Shoes by Constanca Entrudo. 2021



Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary 

Exhibition at Mala, Lisbon PT

October 15, 2021 - January 20, 2022


Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary. She is a legend and a promise and a ghost conjured to tell the future. Anyone can call her. If you stand in a dark room and say her name over and over again, she will appear in the mirror. Any room will do. She has appeared in your mother's silver vanity. She has appeared to a man about to die. And lately, she appears to be you.


For this exhibition, focused on the performative possibilities of photography and text through the media of collage and silkscreen printing, Buerhaus switches the body of the actor for the body of the viewer. These works are self portraits both multiplied and subtracted, distorted mirrors perverting binary systems of the father and daughter, owner and pet, of madness and sanity.


Two storyboards — You Have Heard Every Word I’ve Said  —   face each other. One tells the story, one directs the choreography — one has the body, the other, the head. Laser prints mounted on a mirrored mylar sheet tell the story of a father's death. You can pass the time by reading the words, but be warned. Your head might float away along with your memory.


On the floor, a group of silkscreened tiles representing the artist’s body are rearranged to abstraction. Like What You See renders the mystery of oneself, and the ways we try to solve the puzzle.


On the walls are Mine! and That’s Mine Too, two photos from an ongoing series, Performance from the Camera. In this iteration, the artist plays with her pussycat. Buerhaus assumes the role of the director, directing Gomi as she would an actor. 





Photos courtesy of the artist and Mala.  Photos taken by Beatriz Pereira.   2021

